Josh Graham / A Storm Of Light

A Storm Of Light, Josh Graham -

Josh Graham / A Storm Of Light

FCG: Hi Josh! How are you?

Josh Graham: Hi Florian, I am good, thanks... Looking forward to the cooler fall weather. New York summer is brutal.

FCG: Today, when I was doing my so-called “periodical inspection”, I checked Lauren’s website and I found out about your new solo project entitled IIVII. Since I do not know anything about it, I’m very curious to find out something about it directly from you.

Josh Graham: IIVII is a primarily synth-based project that I started in order to explore the more ambient side of A Storm Of Light. A lot of that ambiance is covered up with vocals, guitars and drums, and with this, I wanted to focus on mood, atmosphere and textures, while still trying to keep the music arranged as “songs”. Thematically this record is centred around space exploration and influenced by a lot of science-fiction soundtracks.

FCG: Do you have certain expectations for the IIVII’s concert at the Incubated festival?

Josh Graham: Because this is a short tour, these shows will consist of just me. On future tours, Will Lindsay will be included as well… Adding more to the analogue side. The setup for this tour consists of four-track cassette recorder, analogue and digital keyboards, and a looping pedal. There will be visuals as well, fitting into the minimal vibe of atmosphere and space.

FCG: What happens with A Storm Of Light at the moment? I remember I asked you a few years ago if there was a point when the light could die. How would you answer it in 2015?

Josh Graham: Storm is in deep space hibernation for the time being. A new project is in the works with me and Domenic and some other people, and Billy is taking some time off to focus on being a new father. The light isn’t dead, it’s just sleeping.

FCG: What about your design projects? Is there something new?

Josh Graham: Design is great, keeping me busy, which is great. Some of the new Neurosis reissues just came out, and I have a couple of other new covers in the works, one being for Labirinto.

FCG: You know, I have a friend who’s into some interesting designing activities as well, namely Costin-Alexandru Chioreanu. What do you think about him?

Josh Graham: Costin and I did a seminar at Roadburn last year with Arik Roper. Both very cool guys!

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