Tim Lambesis / As I Lay Dying
FCG: Hello Tim! Would you please tell our readers the short history of As I Lay Dying?
Tim Lambesis: We’ve been around for about two years. We recorded our first CD titled “Beneath The Encasing Of Ashes” after being together a little over two months. It was a quick start, but we all really wanted to pursue music as a full time job. The original members are Evan White (guitar), Jordan Mancino (drums), and myself (vocals), and we all did the split CD with American Tragedy also. Since then, we have added Brandon Hays on bass and Jasun Krebs on second guitar. Jason is more of a lead guy and we are really excited to have the line-up we have now.
FCG: How many releases do you have? Tell us a few things about each of them and their availability.
Tim Lambesis: “Beneath The Encasing Of Ashes” was recorded in March 2001 as our first CD. This past summer we released a split CD full length with American Tragedy that is also on Pluto Records. It is available online everywhere of course, but the distribution is still not very good overseas. Pluto Records has been a great start and they are still trying to get the CD’s everywhere.
FCG: How is the new split CD going?
Tim Lambesis: The new split CD has really generated some interest from bigger record labels. We will know in a few weeks what our new deal will officially be. I really like the diversity of those five songs by us, and American Tragedy also does an awesome job.
FCG: How long did it take you, guys to write the whole songs from this split?
Tim Lambesis: We toured a lot this past year… About five months in total. Between that and jobs we tried to write as much as we could. We also had a lot of practices for fill in guitar players since we never had a second guitar player. Overall, we wrote the songs pretty quick, but we are really happy with the outcome.
FCG: Do you write the lyrics? What can you tell us about them?
Tim Lambesis: All the lyrics are about things that are going on in my life. You can tell by reading them that they are personal, but I hope that other people can relate to what I’ve been going through. The first CD was a little darker overall, and the split reflects a happier time in my life. Life is full of change. A lot of my lyrics are me seeking God’s help through a lot of situations, although I think that anyone can relate.
FCG: Are you going to record new songs for a new material in the following period?
Tim Lambesis: We are already working on the new recording, which will be out before the summer. I can’t say which label it will be on, but it will have good distribution everywhere.
FCG: Last weekend you had a show. How was it?
Tim Lambesis: The show was really good in Dallas. It was one of our best shows there. We also played a new song that we don’t have recorded and everyone seemed to be really into it.
FCG: Are there any other shows set for the future?
Tim Lambesis: We are playing most weekends until our January tour. Then we’ll be out for a good chunk of January. After that, we will get ready to record and try to go full time when our new CD comes out in early summer.
FCG: Have you played in other bands before As I Lay Dying? I think I saw you in Society’s Finest...
Tim Lambesis: I played guitar in Society’s Finest, but left to try and be more full time. Jordan played in a band called Edge Of Mortality and Evan played in Nothing To Lose.
FCG: How do you feel playing with these guys and hanging out with them?
Tim Lambesis: We’ve all become or already were great friends. Evan and I have been friends since we were 16. We might even be living together soon as if we don’t get enough of each other on the road.
FCG: Which are your favourite bands?
Tim Lambesis: It is always changing, but I really like the new Thrice CD right now. I also like Bleeding Through. There are other lighter bands that I like also. I like Dido and The Cranberries.
FCG: What do you think about the current situation in the hardcore scene?
Tim Lambesis: I think that the scene has different problems everywhere, but there are also awesome kids in every city. I think it is important to hang out after shows and just eat together. Youth crews used to be as much about hanging out as they were about the music, but they didn’t exclude anyone for fashion or any other dumb reasons.
FCG: What are you doing when you are not with the band?
Tim Lambesis: For this semester I am going to college and majoring in philosophy.
FCG: What do you know and think about the place where I live, Romania?
Tim Lambesis: I don’t know as much as I should. I really don’t have many thoughts, but I would like to know what it’s like in all areas of life including the music scene.
FCG: That’s all Tim! Thank you so much for the interview!
Tim Lambesis: Thanks a lot for getting in touch with me and the band. Keep in touch!